Majors Community

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

My Sister Pede

She is 13 and a half. A pittbull. A devoted and loyal fan of my Dad. She loves a belly rub. Is a tad obsessed with cleaning her paws. She snores louder than anyone I know.
And I love her to pieces. Shes my hero.
xx Major

Monday, 29 March 2010

Smells like Cookie

Cookie and I spend a lot of quality time together. She's at home with Mum and me most days and shes a treasure trove of information. She mostly talks about Dad. Not that theres anything wrong with that, but all day for weeks now its been "dad, Dad, Da, Dad...." I'll ask her what shes been up to, hows the weather? any news on what Mums cooking for dinner, but every answer is Dad. Our conversations will be kept to a minimum for now. Ill stick to hanging out under her chair, right about where all the good things like breadsticks and mushy food land.
xx Major

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Saturday, 27 March 2010

A little Ray of Sunshine

The Autumn months are here which to me means finding a sunny spot where ever i can and absorbing the toasty rays through my glossy black coat. Here on the table I have a great view of the kitchen and i can keep an eye on Mums cooking (she is notorious for burning things you know) also I can keep watch over the bunny and guinea pigs and make sure none of the chickens step out of line (they are crazy those girls!).

Friday, 26 March 2010

Rescue Dogs

I have first hand experience on how important finding the right home can be. Yes folks, I am a rescue dog. I found my Mum even though she was looking for me, I think alot of positve thinking and tonnes of good karma brought us together. As she tucks me into bed at night she tells me I wasnt born from her body but I was born from her heart xx
Is where Mum visited today with my Aunty Jadie whos is looking for a new cousin for me. Im very excited about this cause Im sure he or she will be just like my new brother from another mother. Ive got my paws crossed that Aunty Jadie and Uncle Shaneo decide on a Great Dane, but really Im so happpy they are looking at the Animal Welfare League for heir furbaby cause Mum says there were so many dogs there today all yelling out "pick me, pick me". It made Mum want to cry and of course bring them all home.
If you live in Queensland Australia and are looking for a new family member, go to the shelter and save a life. But if you are far across the oceans rememer that there are dgs in pounds everywhere and really you know whats better than one dog?
TWO dogs.
xx love Maj

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Hangin Tough

Don't cross our paths cause your gonna get stomped.

The funniest part is that Mum googled the lyrics to the classic 1988 song by the super awesome NKOTB (New Kids ON The Block guys) and discovered not only are there almost no lyrics ( apart from repeated "Oh's" and a fair few 'hangin tough's; but that the song had no relevance to a Great Dane who writes a blog.

Huh. How about that?

Anyway, don't you guys think I look tough?

Yo Yo Yo.


Major xx

Monday, 22 March 2010

No toy can compare

To the fun I can have with an old towel. Enough said.
A note from Mum-
# Our thoughts go out to Nicola and her boys.
Nitro was a legend.
We will wait for his tribute. So sorry Nic xx

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Picasa woes

Hmm seems my most special weekend captured in pictures couldn't fit onto the screen. Click on it to view in wide screen , I guess. Mum is new to photo editing, so any advice would be most welcome. Ill be sure to pass it on to her:) Major x

Best Weekend Ever!

I have just had such a good weekend. Mum totally must have been feeling guilty for leaving me at home last night to go watch the RollerDerby
and has taken me swimming in the creek and to the park for a play and a HUGE sniff-a-thon in the bushes. Loved it.
Whats been your best weekend ever?
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Saturday, 20 March 2010

The other man about the house

Leaves me every morning take care of the family. I do take on alot, I'm helping Mum with baby Cookie,farewelling the big little ones Mudpie and Cheesecake off to school and howling at their bus driver just so he knows he aint to get off that bus (don't mess with me busdriverman) and I keep a good eye on the pudding when shes trampolining like a flea.
I know he appreciates my help. He's my mate and I think we make a pretty awsome team.
Team us. Yea.
Major x

Friday, 19 March 2010

Swami Mahjori

As Mum left this morning I reminded her that there is no need to venture away from home to increase flexibility and balance at her Saturday morning yoga class. Guru Swami Majori and friends could guide her to a place of peace and enlightenment all in her own backyard!

Today I wore a HAT

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Friday, 12 March 2010

Our friends across the oceans

Ive never done this before, but I really want for my friends to see this.
Mums always been a sucker for a baby and hopes one day to have more furkids of her own and lots of little tackers I can play with/show whos boss and fawn over.
So we came across
They have lovely strong looking Danes and its mostly the art work on the page Mum is itching all you dane lovers to check out. Its all copyrighted so we can't put the pictures up here, but especially in with the previous litters there are some super kwaii creations. Enjoy xx Maj

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Any suggestions?

My Mum is looking for a new coat for me for this winter...since I've never owned a coat before Im a little at a loss as to what to expect, but knowing my Mum it'll be something special.
Here are a few I found, I need some help here, its hard to find a coat for a big boy like me.
I hope Mum picks something practical, if anyone has tried a Alpenhitze™ Coat, id love some feedback. We saw them on and they look pretty durable.

Monday, 8 March 2010

My Cookie

Major and Cookie are the closest in age in our busy household and absolutly facinate each other. I swear her first word will be "Maj" or "woof".
Major is so careful and gentle around her. He seems to be in slo-mo whenever they are together and its lovely to watch him snuggle up to her. xx

An afternoon swim

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Thursday, 4 March 2010

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Partying with the humans

My Granny Nanny human just had a birthday, so we had a little party at our house. Lots my very special human Auntys, my crazy Uncle Craig, Big Pop, the Painting Nan and tiny human Marley came over to see me. Turns out I mostly had to play with Pede cause the humans were busy talking.
I wish I could talk.
Mum says I have to practice alot. These guys in the video are amazing and I think they are so funny.
Anyway, we had a fun day and I devoured the leftovers. xx Maj
"Happy Birthday G Nan"