Majors Community

Saturday, 27 March 2010

A little Ray of Sunshine

The Autumn months are here which to me means finding a sunny spot where ever i can and absorbing the toasty rays through my glossy black coat. Here on the table I have a great view of the kitchen and i can keep an eye on Mums cooking (she is notorious for burning things you know) also I can keep watch over the bunny and guinea pigs and make sure none of the chickens step out of line (they are crazy those girls!).


houndstooth said...

I like to find a sunny spot no matter what time of year it is! You look very regal reclining there!


Victoria said...

gRACIAS AMIG0 POR HACERTE SEGUIDOR DE MI BLOG nos necesitan,Este blog ha sido elegido para premiar por la labor que realizo dia a dia con mis animalitos ante la crueldad del hombre.Me gustaria tener tu VOTO si crees que lo meresco,solo tienes que pinchar en VOTAME y te llevará a nuestro blog NOS NECESITAN a su lado tiene un cuadrito solo hay que clicar sobre el y tenemos tu Voto el cual agradesceriamos de corazón..Recibe mi cariño y felicidades por tu blog..besos Victoria

Taffy said...

It is great to find a sunny spot where you can see the goings on! I love to tan my tummy!!! I am glad spring is almost here in my part of the world...I was sick of winter.
You are looking rather handsome today.