Majors Community

Friday, 26 March 2010

Rescue Dogs

I have first hand experience on how important finding the right home can be. Yes folks, I am a rescue dog. I found my Mum even though she was looking for me, I think alot of positve thinking and tonnes of good karma brought us together. As she tucks me into bed at night she tells me I wasnt born from her body but I was born from her heart xx
Is where Mum visited today with my Aunty Jadie whos is looking for a new cousin for me. Im very excited about this cause Im sure he or she will be just like my new brother from another mother. Ive got my paws crossed that Aunty Jadie and Uncle Shaneo decide on a Great Dane, but really Im so happpy they are looking at the Animal Welfare League for heir furbaby cause Mum says there were so many dogs there today all yelling out "pick me, pick me". It made Mum want to cry and of course bring them all home.
If you live in Queensland Australia and are looking for a new family member, go to the shelter and save a life. But if you are far across the oceans rememer that there are dgs in pounds everywhere and really you know whats better than one dog?
TWO dogs.
xx love Maj


MurphyDog said...

what a lucky pair of humans you have there, Major. Mom rescued me too...from a dumb young couple who bought me at 9 weeks and then moved into an apartment that didnt take big dogs 2 weeks later. Ugh...I sure am glad I dont live with those stoopid people!

wags, wiggles & slobbers

houndstooth said...

Of course! There are three of us here! We know good things come in multiple packages and adopted greyhounds everywhere depend on adoption groups!
